Holiday Pet Safety

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The holiday season is officially in full swing and not to be a Scrooge but this blog is to share some holiday safety tips with you. We will go over some tips involving decorations, food, and parties.

Decoration Safety Tips

If you have a real tree and pets in your house, it is really important to not let your pets ingest the water. It can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Plus you may even put additives into the water to help make the tree fresh looking. Christmas trees, real or fake, may have ornaments hanging from the branches. Some of these can be hazardous, such as any homemade ornament that is made with food, such as a pretzel or any type of dough. Even store bought ornaments can possibly contain liquids that can be toxic to pets if they break. Ornaments aren’t the only thing that might be hung on the tree. There is a chance that you have lights strung on the tree or even throughout the house and even outside. These can become hazards if you have a curious pet that might be intrigued to chew on the cords while plugged in. Always keep a close eye on your pets when you have your tree or any decoration plugged in. The winter season brings a wide variety of seasonal plants and flowers that are very toxic to pets include, holly, mistletoe, amaryllis, pine, cedar, and very popular this time of year, poinsettias. It is best to not have these in your house if you do have pets since they are toxic. You can check your local stores and see if they carry fakes of these plants. If you think your pet may have ingested these plants, please call us ASAP.

decoration safety

Food Safety Tips

When it comes to giving your pet food from your plate, always be cautious of what you’re giving them. While it is okay to give your pets turkey, giving them too much too quickly can cause gastrointestinal issues and there is a chance that it can cause pancreatitis. Stuffing and gravy should not be given to your animals because the majority of the time, they contain high levels of salt. Not only too much salt intake is an issue, both of these usually contain onions and garlic, which is extremely toxic and potentially fatal to pets. It is imperative to keep all of those holiday sweets, baked goods, and chocolate out of your pets reach! While these treats are delicious to you, they can cause many issues for your pets. The artificial sweetener, Xylitol, found in many desserts and other candies can cause hypoglycemia and even liver failure.

Party Safety Tips

If you are hosting a party or any type of gathering, you should have your pet’s collar on and your contact information be up to date. With people coming in and out of your house might give your pet a chance to escape. This is especially true if it is a large party with people your pet does not know that well. Make sure your pet is comfortable while you have your guests over. This will include a secluded area away from the party. You can put their favorite toys, food, and treats in the room. You can also leave a TV on for some background noise. When you and your guests are done eating, make sure to clean up all the food and trash so your pets cannot reach it. If you have any leftover food, make sure to place it in a container and place it in the proper storage areas, like the fridge or cabinets.

party safety tips

Keep these Safety Tip in Mind

  • If you light a candle, make sure to keep an eye on your pet because open flames and pets don’t mix. Remember to put the flame out if you are done using the candle or whenever you leave the house.
  • Tinsel and garland are some pretty tempting items for your pet to try and snack on. When ingested, these items can cause intestinal blockages and in some cases may require surgery.
  • If your pet likes to “play” with the tree, you may want to try and secure it to the floor, wall, or even a door frame.

If your pet may have gotten into something during this holiday season, please call us as soon as possible.
