Lombard Veterinary Hospital was proud to have taken care of Eve, a Golden Retriever who was a part of St. John's Lutheran Church in Lombard. Eve lived with a specific congregant family and had twelve handlers and many more volunteers who made up Team Eve! When Eve was a puppy, her brothers and sisters were carefully chosen and sent to the Lutheran Church Charities in Northbrook, IL, where she began her journey as an LCC K-9 Comfort Dog. Over the course of a year and a half, she received approximately 2,000 hours of specialized training before earning her official working vest. After a two-year wait, St. John's in Lombard was proud to call her their own, and she joined the bigger family of more than 130 LCC Comfort Dogs across the nation.
Eve tended to keep a full schedule, visiting many schools, from grammar to college, retirement facilities, the Ronald McDonald House, Northwestern Proton Center, Ray Graham, and many other places on a regular basis. Her handlers also took her out for educational presentations. She was frequently called upon for emergencies such as funerals, school crises, and other sensitive issues, and she also deployed on a national basis following tragedies such as mass shootings or natural disasters.
When not working, Eve did not wear her vest and was able to enjoy time being a "regular dog," playing frisbee, with stuffed animals, and chewing on antlers being some of her favorite activities. Her team made sure that she ate a healthy diet and got plenty of exercise.
As an LCC Comfort Dog and as an LCC K-9 Police Ministry Dog, Eve's mission was to bring Mercy, Compassion, Presence, and Proclamation to those who were suffering and in need. When the invitations came through, she was ready with her team to serve, following their saying, "When one goes, we all go."