Check Out Our Online Pharmacy at LVH!
Lombard Veterinary Hospital is proud to announce that we offer our clients a fully functional online pharmacy that includes everything your pet needs! Quickly shop, order, and receive your pets-medications, food, and supplies all with the click of a button.
Creating An Account
- Our online pharmacy is linked with our practice management system which means that you do not have to do anything but create your account with the email address you have on file. This would be the primary email on file. If you do not remember what email you used for your account, give us a call at 630-627-7090 and we will get you set up! Please follow this link: https://lombardvethospital.vetsfirstchoice.com to get started with your pharmacy login!
How It Works!
- During your pet’s visits and communications with our Doctors, we will recommend products that are the best fit for the health of your pet. After the visit, you will receive an email showing which product the Doctor has recommended.
You can view all of the recommended products in your dashboard by clicking on the Vet Recommendations tab. These recommendations do have an expiration date, set by our Veterinarian Team. To view the exact date, click the More Info button to see when you need to order the suggested product(s).
All orders then are approved in real-time by your LVH Team and shipped to you within 3-5 business days!
Please see our full-tutorial walkthrough on how to use our pharmacy here:
Weekly Promotions:
Make sure you are on the lookout for emails coming through from Lombard Vet promoting medications, supplies, and food to ensure you are getting the best deals possible on your pet supplies! Again, the email that will be receiving these promotions will be the same as the one we have on file as the primary email! Not receiving emails or having troubles logging in? Give us a call at 630-627-7090
- Any questions regarding the Discounts and Rebates on our Online Pharmacy, please see them here
Free Shipping On Orders Above $49
- Medications that have been approved by our Veterinarians will be shipped to you in 3-5 business days. Also, is this a reoccurring medication that your pet is on? Make sure to sign up for Autoship to receive extra discounts off of your order. **Not all medications offer the auto-ship discount** **Medications may take up to 24 to 48hrs to be reviewed** **Medications ordered through our online pharmacy require a (VCPR) Veterinary Client Patient Relationship and may be declined by the discretion of your Veterinarian**
- Please note, any questions regarding shipping, order status, etc. should be directed to our Online Pharmacy Provider. Please call, chat or email them to find out more about your pets order! Vets First Choice phone number is 888-606-3336. Chat with an online representative and/or email Vets First Choice by clicking here
FAQ's About Our Online Pharmacy:
- Please see the answer to any pharmacy question by reading the FAQ's located here